Monday, May 18, 2009


Projects seldom run smooth -in other words- they are encountered with several issues and problems for several reasons which needed to fix with best solutions for successful completion of project.

Brainstorming is technique usually adopted by team members looking for generating ideas, risks, and solutions for issues. A facilitator records the participant’s ideas for later analysis and solution.

However, to produce best results from brainstorming session, following are the key areas needed to be considering;

1. Planning: poor planning such as, setting out unclear objectives, can be one reason for not achieving the results of brainstorming for solutions.
2. Strong Facilitation: strong facilitation is required to avoid focusing on irrelevant topics and issues.
3. Information Gathering: develop the viable mechanism of gathering the information depending upon the size of participants. The recording tools could be flip charts or some kind of computer aided tool.
4. Consensus: work with the attendees to reach a common understanding and consensus during a session, means everyone plays a part in the analysis and solution.
5. Action Plan: creates an action plan which helps to gain buy-in from the attendees and implement the action plan straightaway.
6. Follow Up: Don’t forget to follow-up the agreed target dates.

Sunday, May 3, 2009


Most of us during their professional career, finds workload management ineffective. These workload pressures multiply and become increasingly difficult as we progress in the career. This can lead to mistakes being made, tasks are overlooked or forgotten about and a sense of not being in control of our workload. These problems could be cause by many factors but most commonly are the following;

1. Lack of Clarity
2. Stockpiling of tasks, it means lose of track
3. Misunderstanding of overall situation
4. Don’t know how to priorities?

There are different set of approaches in the Project Management world, which allows you to achieve clarity on the overall picture of everything you are expected to be working on, identify the bottlenecks and get a clear view of what needs to be done by you and others. There are few steps which helps you to manage your workload efficiently.

1. Keep a clear record of workload
2. Get Clarity on the overall picture
3. Identify the links between tasks
4. Break them down into manageable chunks
5. Assign the priority
6. Take needful actions to accomplish
7. Track the unfinished tasks or the one require further actions

It gives you the ability to understand the different stages of the task and priorities actions and tasks, meaning you will know how to tackle the task at hand and feel on top of your workload. Goodluck!